For a SMSF:
Thank you for your email. This error is from the ATO which means that the rollover attempt has failed ATO verification. This specific error occurs when the SSID/ digital service provider details have not been provided to the ATO or there is a discrepancy with the information provided. This error can be confirmed on the ATO website by looking up the code: SBR.GEN.AUTH.006 in the following.
The SSID/ Software ID is available by clicking your name in the top right hand corner after logging into the SMSF Hub portal - a dropdown will appear displaying the SSID. This needs to be provided to the ATO if a roll out is being processed (not needed for a roll in), either by phone or within ATO Access Manager. Please see below for more information:
Specifying the digital service provider (Wrkr) should also happen at this stage with the ATO.
If this information has already been provided to the ATO but this error is still occurring, please double check that the information provided to the ATO is correct. If details are updated with the ATO, please wait overnight for ATO systems to update before initiating another rollover attempt.
If this is happening for an Advisor, please check your TAN etc given to us in registration and ensure it matches with the ATO. If not, this error will occur when processing a rollover.