Contribution errors are generated and provided by the superannuation fund that received a particular contribution. They are sent in response to a contribution made by your employer and are available to view in the Contributions table once received from the superannuation fund.
Contribution errors are provided in a standardised format, so all superannuation funds will use the same Error Codes and all Error Codes will have the same Short Description. You can view a list of of Standard Error messages below.
Error Code | Severity | Short Description |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.1 | Error | TFN quoted indicator does not match Entity ID scheme. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.2 | Error | Unique Superannuation Identifier {usi} not known to Superannuation entity ABN {abn}. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.3 | Error | Employer supplied Member ID used in Entity ID is not unique. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.4 | Error | Mandatory data element not supplied. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.5 | Error | Data element contained an unexpected value. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.6 | Error | Missing context declaration. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.7 | Error | Error Conditional data element rule failure. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.8 | Error | Tuple has too many occurrences for a context declaration. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.9 | Warning | TFN failed the TFN algorithm check. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.10 | Error | Too many instances of a context declaration. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.11 | Error | ABN {abn} not known to the Message Receiver. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.12 | Error | Payment Reference Number cannot be reconciled to a payment. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.13 | Error | Unknown Biller Code. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.14 | Error | Unknown Customer Reference Number. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.15 | Error | Bank State Branch {bsb} is invalid or not known. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.16 | Error | Account Number {acntno} is invalid or not known. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.17 | Error | Account Name {acntname} is invalid or not known. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.20 | Error | Unknown property within PartProperties. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.21 | Error | Member not found with supplied information. |
SUPER.GEN.GEN.22 | Error | No Longer a member of Superannuation entity. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.1 | Error | SuperannuationRollover.Requested.Amount MUST be provided if SuperannuationRollover.TransferWholeBalance.Indicator is "false". |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.2 | Information | Rollover Process successful. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.3 | Error | ABN defined within the Member Rollover Transaction context was not defined within the Rollover Payment context. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.4 | Error | Product ID defined within the Member Rollover Transaction context was not defined within the Rollover Payment context. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.5 | Error | Rollover Process unsuccessful. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.6 | Error | Rollover could not be processed due to rules within Superannuation entity. Contact Superannuation entity for details. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.7 | Error | Rollover could not be processed due to a pending claim. |
SUPER.GEN.RLVR.9 | Error | The account for the provided member identifier has been closed. |
SUPER.GEN.CNTRBTN.1 | Information | Member registration request message was successfully processed. |
SUPER.GEN.CNTRBTN.4 | Error | Contributions cannot be accepted from this Contribution Provider. |
SUPER.GEN.CNTRBTN.5 | Error | Member TFN required for this Contribution. |
SUPER.GEN.CNTRBTN.6 | Error | Payment is less than what has been specified with Contribution Transaction Request Message. |
SUPER.GEN.CNTRBTN.7 | Information | Payment is more than what has been specified with Contribution Transaction Request Message. |
Eligibility issue preventing the contribution being processed. Contact Superannuation entity for details. |
Where contribution errors will differ is in the Detailed Description field.
Some funds may provide more details than others, for example, they may advise that the contribution has been returned. It is important to understand that we are not the author of the message and cannot provide any further detail. If further detail is required, you will need to contact the fund directly.
Please note: for self managed superannuation funds, any contribution errors received have been sent from their Electronic Service Address (ESA) provider and the SMSF should contact their ESA provider directly for more information.
The ATO has also produced the following document for Error messages. Please see pages 12-13 for messages relevant to superannuation clearing house